EUROTEK Co-founder, Rosemary E Lunn, has announced the dates for the 2016 event.
"On behalf of Leigh Bishop, Mark Dixon and myself, I am delighted to confirm that EUROTEK will be held on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th October 2016", stated Roz Lunn. "As ever we are holding EUROTEK at The ICC.
This is a great venue because it is located in the heart of Birmingham England, and benefits from some really good travel connections for national and international delegates. The ICC is a stunning convention centre ideally suited for the major European biennial advanced and technical diving event. It has a fantastic atmosphere that really makes EUROTEK such a happy gathering of the clans.
If you have not yet visited EUROTEK yet, it comprises three elements; an exhibition, a conference and a gala awards dinner. We always kick things off with a Friday party and this is followed by two days of presentations. Experts, explorers and renowned speakers fly in from all over the globe to speak at The ICC. Over the weekend you have the choice of listening to 34 different exciting talks and useful workshops. These cover many aspects of advanced and technical diving.
From wreck, cave and physiology through to technique, safety and imaging. In between times our ‘show and tell’ exhibition has 40 specialist companies showcasing their wares, giving you the perfect opportunity to gain valuable facetime with key manufacturers, dive centres and top tech destinations. I often get asked 'do I need to be a techie to come to EUROTEK?' No you don't.
Several of our delegates are recreational divers and leave saying how much they enjoyed the talks, made new contacts and learnt some useful things. And the speakers enjoy it as much as the delegates. Explorer and international speaker Jill Heinerth said “EUROTEK is the most important event in our community and undoubtedly the finest technical diving conference in the World”. Tom Mount, IANTD Founder echoed Jill's comments. He said EUROTEK was “the best dive show I have ever been to”.
EUROTEK is also a great place to meet up with friends, and what is diving without friendship? The EUROTEK Gala Awards Dinner is the night where we celebrate success, catch up with old friends and make new ones. So make a note in your diary or mark your calendar up accordingly. We look forward to welcoming the advanced diving community to Birmingham next October."
. Mark your calendars!